Category: Healthcare


SAG – Securitag Assembly Group | RFID Transponder Solution Provider RFID Makes Healthcare Smart RFID has become the facilitator to transform the process and management job in healthcare into a smart way. Use cases are found at a laboratory or in a hospital when RFID benefits data transparency, reduces workload of staff, and enhances patient safety. With knowledge of materials and specific know-how on antenna design and production process, SAG has been involved with projects when users see a problem in these venues. In a Laboratory After multiple tests are carried out, data collection and matching might lead to mix-ups when human errors happen. Smart label is a common form factor to be used on items in a lab to avoid mix-ups by providing them with a unique ID. SAG can help more label solutions as below. Material Science There might be extreme conditions such as drastic temperature change in a test or tube with large radius surface to attach a smart label. SAG has the expertise in adhesive technology to realize these applications. 100% Premium (Perfect) Roll In some cases, a roll of “continuous good labels” might be on demand to help increase the job efficiency without the interruption of bad labels. SAG is capable of bringing premium (perfect) roll by using a self-developed converting machine to ensure the label quality in terms of electrical performance and mechanical strength. In a hospital The introduction of the Unique Device Identification (UDI) system from both the EU and FDA propels the adoption of RFID tag/label to enhance the traceability of medical devices. It tells how many times a surgical tool has been used, when it was sterilized, and where it is kept for the next preparation. With these advantages, it helps reduce medical errors and improve patient safety. UDI system can also verify a device’s authenticity when each item carries its own ID number Sterilization Process with No Challenge For some surgical instruments, they are designed to be used several times. However, the diversity of medical products used poses logistics and inventory challenges. Meanwhile, there are multiple methods to sterilize these items such as EtO, autoclave or radiation. SAG has a range of hard tags to fit these tools in different sizes and withstand the sterilization process afterwards Miniaturization to Fit Small Items For a small item with limited space to apply a tag, SAG has a variety of PCB tags (the smallest is 6mm in diameter) for molding process. Also, NFC Ferrite Tags (the smallest in 4x2mm) are for both on-metal and non-metal use cases and can survive extreme high/low temperatures. Authentication to Ensure Safety Incorrect use of medication and wrong installation of a medical device pose a threat to the patient’s safety. Medical disputes sometimes occur due to these mishandlings and they cause huge losses. Among the variety of items to be managed in a hospital, SAG enables an application with a customized transponder by utilizing our experience on antenna and mechanical design NFC Advanced Use Cases for Branding and Sensor Pairing A typical Smart Label comprises of antenna and chip within top surface layer and bottom adhesive. Due to its simple structure, NFC label has a great flexibility in size and gives cost competitiveness compared to hard tag products. Meanwhile, artwork printing can be applied to the top paper to make your label with a style. NFC Label acts as a quick product solution to enable an item with NFC function. NFC Label Facilitates Smart Branding NFC Label enables Branding with tamper proof and other value-added features for you to discover. It brings protection to both your brand image and customer safety. To show you how it benefits you, SAG has Demo App to download. Play Video Fake Label Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake labelfake label fake fake label fake label fake labelfake label. How Tamper Detect Function Works Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label. NFC Applications NFC card can act as a medium to assist pairing another device out of reach whether in a narrow space or high place. Such a device can be a temperature or humidity sensor. Using your NFC-enabled phone to read this NFC card, you can activate Bluetooth pairing between the phone and sensor to allow data transfer. Meanwhile, the card body allows more information such as QR code or numbering to be printed as a method for visual recognition and identification. Built with PETF layer, NFC card has enhanced heat-resistibility up to 100 degrees in Celsius, making it ideally survive a high temperature environment. We also have paper card as an eco-friendly material which brings less impact or pollution to the environment when disposed. How It Works? 1.Card surface provides an area for printing information to assist visual identification. 2. A Bluetooth temperature/humidity sensor is attached to an item stored in the cabinet. 3. No need to open the door.  Read the NFC Card to activate the Bluetooth pairing between your phone and the sensor to allow data transfer. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label. Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label. Play Video Fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label fake label. 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Customize Buttom Customize Buttom Related Products PCB Tag Adjustable Wristband Related Topics Molding Tag Has Excellent Low Temperature Resistibility Coupling with your symphony of

RFID Makes Healthcare Smart

Back in Dec. 2020, SAG obtained IATF16949:2016 Certificate. This certificate represents the requirements of a total quality management system for the design and manufacturing of parts and components specifically for the automotive industry. We see RFID plays a vital role and provides important values such as parts verification, data collection, and M2M communication in this domain.

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